About Me
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I am a Krakow, Poland-based artist but I grew up in the City of Joy - Kolkata (also known as Calcutta) which is widely regarded as the cultural capital of India. I started drawing at the age of 4. Back then it was nothing more than a fun activity for me! As a child I was very talkative and my Maa used to look for creative ways to keep me busy and quiet. When all her efforts failed, one fine day she discovered that drawing is the only activity that could keep me quiet for long. While she found peace, I found my best friend in Art. As years passed, this fun turned into an integral part of my life and became a witness to all my ups and downs. My constant support, and my inspiration - my Maa - helped me discover my love for painting. Everything to do with colour inspires me - Mother nature and it different shades, shapes, patterns and hues in it. Working with different mediums- acrylic, water colour, pencils, marker pens, oil paints, charcoal on different surfaces like paper, canvas, canvas panels, fabric, metal, wood, and even on my Ipad with the Apple pencil, I blend different styles of art to tell a story. I love to read, to explore every minute detail, the relationship between nature and humans makes me curious. This is what I strive to express through my artwork - an amalgamation of the different folk art styles of India, with intricate patterns of Mandalas inspired by fractals in nature. It is my relentless endeavour to create a unique fusion of different art styles/patterns and eventually let them evolve into a distinct expression of my own.

Aartist Suchandra be a part of my creative journey of storytelling through my brush and paint.